FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!
3/16/10 Dominique, about 20
I stopped at a Burger King on my way home from work and asked a man finishing his meal at a table if he had a few minutes to answer some opinion questions. "What about?" "I'm from a church nearby and would like to ask about your spiritual beliefs." He shook his head "Absolutely not". I still tried to start a conversation, "Have you had some bad experiences talking about religion?" - but he just kept shaking his head. I can take a hint, so I moved on to another table. The next man couldn't speak English, and a third man's answer was much like the first. A year ago, I might have taken this personally or felt like a fool and maybe even given up at this point, but I am learning to base my self-image not on what other people may think of me but more and more simply on being obedient to Jesus. I went on to talk to Dominique, who believes that her good deeds will outweigh her sins, and that God forgives anyone (no matter what religion) if they ask Him for forgiveness. She was on break from a nearby job and I had about fifteen minutes, so I shared both the law of sin and death, and the good news of grace in Christ. She received it well, and had much to think about as she went back to work.

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