FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!
6/30/10 Chris and Tyana, both early 20's
At a park in a small town in northern Minnesota I began a conversation with a young couple out for a stroll. Chris did most of the talking while Tyana? listened, at first with a skeptical look on her face but with increasing interest. I didn't find out much about her but Chris told me he went to a Christian high school, and had that confident look that this meant all was well in his relationship with God. I told him "I'd still like to ask about your beliefs because I've talked to a lot of people with church or Christian backgrounds and they still seem to have a lot of different beliefs". "That's reasonable" he said and went on share his beliefs. As it turned out he believes he isn't perfect but is well intentioned and will go to heaven. He thinks Jesus was sent to be a role model for us and made no connection between Jesus' sacrifice and the forgiveness of our sins. Despite a sudden downpour, he responded well as I shared of his need to be saved from God's wrath by repentance and faith in Jesus. In the end they had the look that "this is a lot to think about, we need some time to process this". One thing I'd like to point out from this conversation is that it really helped to be able to draw on my prior experiences in witnessing - Chris and Tyana were very interested to hear what sorts of things other people said - so this is another way in which witnessing can become easier as one does it regularly.

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