FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!
3/31/11 Tim, Kelly    20’s
I met with Brad, who is part of a group of young men at church who are in leadership training, and before sitting down for coffee at a local deli we approached a young couple at another table to see if they’d be willing to talk about their beliefs. They were, so we sat down for a nice conversation, finding out Tim and Kelly are strong believers, actively involved in ministry and hoping to get married. It was wonderful to hear their stories and encourage them in their relationships with the Lord and with one another. Instead of thinking “I should be witnessing to unbelievers” I am learning to try to minister to whomever the Lord puts in my path, unbeliever or not. In addition to encouragement and prayer, I offered Tim and Kelly some advice – backed by our example – of what initiating a witnessing conversation can look like. Tim and Kelly have done “passive evangelism” – waiting for witnessing opportunities to fall in their lap – rather than taking the initiative to reach out to others. Many people like them feel this is more spirit-led, but I wanted to let them know that the obedience that results in taking the initiative is just as spirit-led; we just need to give the Holy Spirit who abides in us the credit only He deserves.

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