FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!
7/6/11     Roberto            about 65
When people point to their good works as evidence of salvation it can mean one of at least two things. Either they are confident of their own goodness, in which case they don't trust in the savior because they don't think they need saving, or they have been born again and can point to the good works God is doing in and through them as evidence of the Holy Spirit's living presence within them. I believe I found just such a believer in Roberto, whom I met at the park. Early on in our conversation I could tell he trusts in Jesus his Savior and now has a heart for serving God by loving his neighbor as himself. Yet I continued the conversation,  hoping to help Roberto put into words his hope of salvation. Why take the time, since I believed he was already saved? Because Roberto needs to be challenged to grow and to learn to share his faith and besides, just because I think someone is a believer doesn't make it so. Better to share the Gospel just one more time with someone who may need to hear it just one last time before it is finally received by faith unto salvation.

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