FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!

8/9/12    Rachel, Amber    late teens
Starbucks.  Two young businessmen on laptops.  Two teenage girls chatting.  I asked businessman #1 - "Excuse me, I realize you might be busy, but I wonder if I could ask you a question."  "Sure,,,what's up?"  "I wonder what you think happens after this life, what do you think comes next?"  He stared at me a few long seconds.  "Are you seriously asking me this?  What's your angle?"  "Well, if there is a life after this one, and it lasts for eternity, then we will spend a lot more time wherever we end up than we will here right?  So I would say its a pretty important question, would you agree?"  I said this because even if this man didn't want to talk, at least he will be reminded of the need to consider eternity.  He responded "Well, I believe in God and Jesus and I prefer to talk about these things on Sundays thank you very much."  I received basically the same reaction from businessman #2, so I moved on to the girls who were busy chatting.  Rachel and Amber both turned out to have strong faith in Jesus and a good grasp of the Bible.  Rachel had just returned from a missions trip to an orphanage in Nicaragua, and both had a strong interest in sharing their faith with their friends, though they didn't know where to begin.  We talked about this a while and I gave them some advice, also referring them to for its great training resources in "law and grace" evangelism. I also told them "One of the benefits of reaching out to strangers like I do is that it helps prepare me to be able to share my faith with the people I already know  around me"   Evangelism, more than probably any other area of our Christian faith, is something we really need to teach by example.  While short-term missions trips are important, I hope my example will help Rachel to know that we have a mission field all around us, right where we live.

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