FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!

No Time (like the present)

9/28/12    Gas Pump Guy         about 30
No time to share your faith?  After an eight hour work day at home (yes, we teachers usually have to take work home for the weekend) and family time celebrating Jonathan's birthday, it was tempting to think I would have no time to reach my daily witnessing goal.  On my almost two hour round trip drive to bring Sammy back to college, he asked me if I had talked to anyone today.  "No, but I'll probably stop somewhere on the way home, though I'm not sure where to go because it's so late"  "You need gas" he said, "Why don't you talk to someone at the gas station?"  So that's what I did.  A man dressed to go out on the town was on the other side of the gas pump.  His date was waiting in the car,  so it probably wouldn't be a long conversation.  "Have you gotten one of these?" I asked, handing him a million dollar gospel tract.  He laughed, telling me he hadn't, so I said "It's kind of a fun collector's item, but it has a pretty serious question on the back.  It asks if you believe you will go to heaven when you die...Do you think there is a heaven?"  "Well, I'm an agnostic" he replied, kind of apologetically.  "Actually, compared to atheism, that's a pretty wise choice." I said.  "You're just admitting you don't know everything"  "A lot of my friends are atheists" he told me.  "Well, if you think about it, no one can prove God doesn't exist.  It's kind of like saying that there is no gold in China.  Unless you go there and dig up every square inch of land, you really can't prove it.  The word 'agnostic' actually comes from a Latin word that means "ignorant", but I mean that in a very good sense.  I would encourage you to talk to your friends about it"  I don't believe he was offended by my use of the word "ignorant", but it was time for him to go.  I think he respected what I told him, and my hope is that he will read the tract for more gospel truths.  I'd much rather have a more in-depth conversation, but God can use anything we do, and anything is better than nothing.  Especially when that "nothing" is withholding soul-saving and life-changing truths from people who need to hear them and know we have them -or at least they know we Christians believe we have them.  Time spent sharing some gospel truth? About two minutes.  Possible eternal value?  Priceless.

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