FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!

Not the Only Sin

9/21/14               Antonio              about 20
As I explained the Gospel, a young man named Antonio asked me “What do you think about homosexuality?”   “Well, I have talked to enough people who have told me the history of their sexual orientation to know that they sincerely believe they were born that way.”  Well…I’m a homosexual” Antonio said quietly.  “And do you believe you were born that way?”  Ever since I can remember, I’ve had these feelings” he told me.  I went on to tell him I believe homosexuality to be against God’s original design and the result of man’s rebellion against God and the result of a fallen creation – a sinful act that is no better or worse than all sin that separates us from God.  I was careful to emphasize that it is the act, not the desire, that is sinful, and told of various sinful desires people have – temptations – and assured him that being tempted is not sinful until one gives in to the temptation.  I spoke to the subject but didn’t dwell on it, going on to talk of other more common sins that all people are guilty of, using the law, as it says in Galations 2, to lead him to the grace found in Christ that he might be justified by faith.  Antonio’s mother had been a prostitute for most of his life and he had multiple men in his life rather than a strong father figure. He has had a bad church experience that blamed him for his orientation, and has since given up on church or any kind of belief in God.  His sexual orientation may indeed have been the result of sin but it may not have been his sin.  Homosexuality is a complicated issue and it is hard to navigate through it when attempting to share the gospel.  It must be addressed but need not be on center stage.  Our sin in all areas of life, that all people share, is much too big for that.   All sin separates us from God and can and should be used to help lead us to Christ where we will the forgiveness and redemption we all so desperately need.

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