FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!

Praying For Revival

9/29/14                 Miguel           about 30

“Will you go to heaven?”  How would you answer that?  The vast majority of people believe they will, but, surprisingly, I’ve noticed that the people most likely to answer “maybe not” or “I’m not sure” are church attenders!  Why is that?  I think because secular people who aren’t in contact much with biblical truth tend to trivialize their sin and to trivialize God’s holiness to the point that their answer is usually something like “If there is a heaven, of course I’ll go.  I’m not perfect, but God knows that deep down I’m a pretty good person.”  Church people, on the other hand, at least have a sense of their own unworthiness because of their sin and, in times of doubt and discouragement, forget that this is why Jesus went to the cross and that our sin is forgiven.  This is the state in which I found a young man named Miguel at Walmart – a believer I believe but unsure of his salvation.  He told me how he used to share his newfound faith enthusiastically when he came to faith in Christ about 7 years ago, but now he never does and even doubts whether he is saved.  His church seems to be in the same cave of despair, waiting and praying for a revival that never comes.  What to do?  What could I tell Miguel that might help fan into flame the fires of hope and enthusiasm once again?  I pointed out the downward spiral he is on: “Of course you don’t share with others how they can be saved, because you doubt your own salvation, and you doubt your own salvation because you don’t share your faith!”  Miguel totally agreed.  His pastor has been calling meetings at church to pray for revival, but I suggested putting feet on their prayers – “We need to start with prayer, but how about praying while walking on the sidewalk, praying for people and the boldness to reach out to them, and then doing so?  It’s easy to talk to God about people, but we need boldness to talk to people about God.  But once you do, you will find the revival you are looking for.”  Toward the end of our conversation, I saw the spark of revival in Miguel’s eyes.  I pray that spark will turn into a flame!

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