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Creator or Creation?

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9/17/15                      Nate (video)                    early 20's
Creator or creation?  That’s the basic question that the various sects of Christianity must answer about Jesus Christ. A “sect” is defined as  “a religious or political group that is connected to a larger group but that has beliefs that differ greatly from those of the main group” and this definition would include Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Muslims, among others.  These groups have different traditions and practices just like the different denominations within Christianity, but nothing can be so huge a difference as the basic identity of Jesus.  That’s why, as I talked with a young Mormon named Nate, I focused not on the different religious practices of Mormonism, but the importance of the difference between Jesus the Son of God and co-Creator along with the Father and Holy Spirit, or Jesus as a created being, like a great religious teacher or an angelic being of some sort that Mormons believe Him to be.  Nate explained away this difference by saying that Jesus’ death was basically an example of humility for us to follow.  But the difference between Creator and creation has huge implications that can only be touched on here.  If Jesus is only a finite, created being, brought into existence at some point in history by God, then He would have no more ability to pay the just penalty of our sins than other created beings like a sheep or a goat.  It would also mean that God is a tyrannical judge and an unloving father who unfairly takes out his anger on innocent victims.  But if God Himself, in the person of the Son, took the punishment for our sins in our place, then He is both a loving Father and a righteous judge.  “He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.”  (Col. 2)   Amen!

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