FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!
12/22/09 Christopher, about 30
Today I went shopping in downtown Chicago and hoped to find someone who looked like they might have a little time for a conversation.   I made the mistake of looking for the "perfect" person and circumstances (whatever that means) and passed a lot of people up in the process. I was also with two of my children and this made it difficult too, because who wants to risk rejection in front of their friends or family? Yet I know I need to do this if I ever want to teach or set an example for others, so a new goal for myself is that in coming weeks I will begin to witness to people while in the presence of friends or family. I ended up dropping my kids off at home and going back out, and used a million dollar track to start a conversation with Christopher who was waiting at a bus stop. He grew up Catholic and told me he "studied Catholicism for 16 years" but isn't currently active in the church "for personal reasons". Like the vast majority of people, he knows he isn't perfect but believes he is good enough to go to heaven, and he really had no idea what Jesus came for. The Commandments helped him see his true state before God, including the fact that "whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it" (James 2:10) The bus was on its way, so I just turned this into a friendly reminder to put his faith in Jesus, and not in his own perceived goodness.

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