FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!
1/26/10 Gordon, about 45 Eric, Dwayne, about 21
The Roman Road needs speed limits! At a downtown grocery store cafe, I spoke to 3 men, all affected by the "Roman Road", a series of Bible passages from the book of Romans chosen to biblically present the Gospel when witnessing. Gordon, a Serbian immigrant, is a Christian, formerly homeless, and now involved in an evangelism training program at a nearby homeless shelter. I asked how he would witness to me were I an unbeliever, and he quickly recited the verses of the Roman Road. I felt like they wouldn't mean much to people without being explained and applied personally, especially the first verse, Romans 3:23 - "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"     The next two guys I talked to, Eric and Dwayne, are also staying at the shelter, and have clearly heard these verses preached before every meal the past few weeks. They claimed that they just "tune it out", while they wait for their meal. I wonder if they are able to do this because, while they can easily believe that all have sinned, they haven't been confronted personally with their own sin. Dwayne told me he had never even heard of the Ten Commandments, and Eric could only name one. Well today they heard all about at least five of them as I applied them personally, and could clearly see how God will find them guilty on judgment day of breaking them. Their idea that they are good people who deserve heaven has been shaken, and now that they have clearly heard the bad news of sin and death I hope they will no longer be able to "tune out" the good news of Jesus.

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