FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!
2/14/10 Rob, about 20
After running some errands with my daughter Hannah, 16, (delivering Girl Scout cookies!) we stopped at the grocery store to initiate a witnessing conversation. Hannah observed as I talked to three people, each with different responses. The first lady believes she will go to heaven because she tries to be good, but her body language told us she didn't want to talk further about it so I graciously challenged her to take the "good person test" on the tract that I had given her and wished her a good evening. The second was a Catholic woman who as best as I could tell has saving faith in Jesus Christ. I encouraged her to keep reading her Bible and trusting in Jesus. The third was a young man who had already received several million dollar tracts at his job at another grocery store. "Will you go to heaven?" "Oh, I'm working hard to get there". "How hard do you think you have to work at it?" He really didn't know but said that he has been doing a lot of spiritual things lately, like praying and meditating. He seemed to be in too much of a hurry for me to take him step by step through some of the commandments, so I just explained some truths about our sin, God's judgment and justice, and his need for a right relationship with God through faith in Christ. Rob was very enthusiastic about all this and welcomed my invitation to church. I asked Hannah if she thought she could talk to people like this. "With some training, yes, I think I could."

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