FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!
7/3/10 Tony about 50
Saturday morning at the supermarket, the day before the 4th of July. The store is crowded and everyone is busy shopping, including me. It's hard to think about a long conversation here, so I started giving million dollar bill gospel tracts out to random people. These brought a smile to everyone's face and, when I explained what they were about, they often began some short conversations as well. The man in front of me in the deli line (Tony) appreciated it. He said he believes in God but doesn't go to church or think at all about what will happen in eternity. "I'm just so busy having fun with my grandkids, I just don't have any time to think about it. I told him that a brush with death made me realize how short life will seem when we face eternity and he agreed, telling me about a heart attack he had two years ago. But what was on his mind during that experience was not his own fate but wondering about who would be there for his family and pay the bills. I talked some about the biblical view that we should prepare for eternity, and he thanked me profusely for talking with him. So many times people thank me for taking the time to share truth about eternity and sin and judgment that can be hard to hear, and I share about their gratitude here not because the "approval of men" is important, but simply to say that we as Christians shouldn't assume that lost people don't want to hear about these difficult truths.

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