FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!
8/31/10 Jerry, Fernando, Elmer, all 18
After work I met up witth Dave, a church brother, and we went to the park where we found two friends (Jerry and Fernando) sharing a marijuana joint. We engaged them in conversation by asking questions about their beliefs and had a good discussion going, especially about various sins and whether or not they were truly wrong. The main point was that they had their own opinions about morality and couldn't make the connection that any rejection of God's standards is rebellion on the level of Adam's original sin. They tenuously admitted their guilt and wanted to hear how they could be forgiven when another friend, Elmer rode his bike up to us and started voicing his opinions, that God doesn't even exist, or that the Bible can't be trusted. At first this seemed like an unwanted intrusion but as the discussion with Elmer went on I believe he inadvertently helped Jerry and Fernando see the logical outcome of their rebellion - a rejection of God and His involvement in their life. My presentation of the Savior wasn't as clear as I would have wanted, but the exposure of their need for a Savior was very clear.

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