FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!
12/8/10    Marvin,      about 50
The frigid temperatures have made it harder to have extended conversations with people outside so I've had to be creative. Today I went to a few fast food restaurants after work, but most of the adults in them were there with young children, so I didn't ask to talk with them. Usually one of the first few people I ask are willing to talk, but today it wasn't until the fifth, an older black gentleman named Marvin, and, praise the Lord, he already has a solid faith relationship with Jesus. So instead of witnessing, I shifted my focus to trying to help him understand the importance of using the Law when sharing the Gospel. I told him how the vast majority of people trust in their good works rather than in Jesus for salvation and asked Marvin "What would you tell them?" "They should read their Bible" was his simplistic answer, so I went to talk about the rich young man who asked Jesus how to obtain eternal life. Jesus used the Law to show him his need for forgiveness. People come to Jesus as their Savior when they know they need saving. Just like John the Baptist and his voice of one calling in the wilderness, "Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him." (Mark 1:3) we must call people to repent and turn to Jesus.

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