FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!
3/17/11      Marvin,    mid 30’s
I stopped by my favorite park for “fishing” yesterday. I like it because it’s on my way home from work, it’s big enough that there are usually new people to witness to, but small enough that I might run into people I’ve talked to before. I talked to a few interesting characters, and one was Marvin whom I had talked to on July 29th of 2010. He remembered talking to me, so I asked him if he remembered much of the conversation. “You talked about religion, but that’s really all I remember” he said. My further questions revealed he didn’t remember any of the main points I had tried to make either. I guess I could be discouraged by this but I think it underscores an important point in witnessing - we may feel sorry for people who are ignorant of the things of God, that they never had the knowledge to act upon and can’t be blamed for unbelief, but it may very likely be that they have rejected what they heard in the past, shutting it out of their mind to the point that it seems like they never heard it in the first place Does that mean we give up trying to reach them? Of course not! This may just be the very reason God put Marvin in my path again yesterday…

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