FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!
12/8/11     Tom,   about 40

Today Nick and I were prayed for and then sent out from our men's Bible study as witnesses, and then to rejoin the group later to pray for those we talked to.  I do this each week with a different member of the group as a way to keep before us the fact that as Christians we need to be "on mission"  One person Nick and I talked with was Tom, who by virtue of the evangelical church he attended in the past and the one he now attends should have had a clear understanding of the gospel.  However, when asked about his hope for heaven, he stated that "one can never be sure".  He talked vaguely about having faith, but could never explain what his faith was in.  I asked how he would explain the gospel if I had been an unbeliever asking about his faith, and he had no idea.  It was like he knew enough to have all the pieces of the puzzle, but he had never put them all together.  He seemed to be going through the motions of faith without understanding why.  I fear for his salvation, but didn't seem to be able to convince him there was any problem. 

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