FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!

Is Heaven a Worthy Goal?

10/13/12                 Bill,          about 24
Is heaven a worthy goal in life?

I stopped by a Starbucks and asked a young man named Bill about his beliefs. He remembered me from several months earlier when I had a conversation with his friend, also named Bill. At the time this Bill had just listened in, but now it was his chance to talk. "That conversation really got me thinking, and its interesting that I've run into you again" he said. "I don't believe in organized religion, but I do believe I have a purpose in life and I will be judged on how I've lived."

Bill didn't hesitate to use profanity in describing his beliefs, and went on to say "I just don't think the church's definition of goodness is the same as God's. Who does it really hurt if I f___in' use profanity? What really matters is, are we trying to build God's kingdom here on earth?"

Bill felt that, if a person's goal is just to get to heaven, then any good works one does become self-serving and meaningless. With this in mind, even talking of earning or deserving heaven turns our good works into selfishness - and Bill feels that churches are full of such people.

We both agreed that heaven is nothing like the popular images of clouds and angels playing harps. "That's why Jesus said that simply to know Him is eternal life" I told him. "I would describe heaven as being in a right relationship with God, and to me that is a worthy goal, one we can pursue without selfishness."

It was time for Bill to get back to work. "I want to challenge you to re-read the booklet I gave you the first time we talked" I said, "because to be honest, you really missed the whole point. Christianity really is not about doing good works to get to heaven" "I'll do that, can you give me another copy?" he responded. Let's pray Bill gets it right this time - to know Jesus IS eternal life! (John 17:3)

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