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Redeeming the Time

1/11/16                Larry                   49
As Christians, how can we redeem unexpected idle time when we are out running errands?

One day, I arrived early to a restaurant gathering. Instead of wasting the extra time mindlessly on my phone while I was waiting, I decided I'd rather try to redeem it for the Gospel. But how?

An approaching businessman on the sidewalk, looking preoccupied and serious, suddenly brightened up when I stopped him to ask if he would mind answering an interesting question. He said he thought he knew me from somewhere. It turned out he did not, but I think my initial friendly and apologetic approach was made him think he did.

When I went on to ask "What do you think will happen after this life?" - he smiled even more and looked into space as he considered how to answer. He - Larry - later told me he appreciated my boldness in asking such a question and that he enjoyed talking about it.

I hear that a lot. People are generally quite open to talking about their beliefs, and once they've had a chance to express them they are usually also willing to hear the Gospel.

Larry was also willing, and our conversation inspired him to reconsider the basic message of the Bible that he had long ago written off as irrelevant.

Our daily lives can be full of wasted time - unexpected delays, waiting in lines, sitting in traffic, mindless entertainment - but as Christians God can redeem those moments for eternity!

We can pray for others, we can meditate on God's word that we might share it with others, we can learn another language for the sake of sharing the Gospel, and we can find the nearest soul to share it with.

The good news of Jesus wasn't meant to be kept to ourselves, so let's not waste our lives! Let's redeem the idle moments so that God can make them count for eternity! "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil." (Eph 5)

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