I1/8/09 Three Deer Hunters
Up north at the hunting cabin I usually don't talk to anyone but my own group, so when I went for a jog and passed by another hunting camp I knew it would be my only opportunity to share my faith that day. However, men with rifles and beer, skinning the carcasses of the deer they have shot can seem pretty intimidating. I had to jog past their camp a few times before I worked up the courage to talk to them. I believe God has given me the boldness I need, but I cover it over with my own fear and excuses. With a lot in common as hunters and Minnesotans, we had a very friendly and polite conversation, so much that I didn't want to spoil it with talk of something controversial like religion. This is the Minnesota way, and that of polite society everywhere. I gave them each a million dollar tract and explained what they were for, told them about the good person test on the back, asking if they were good people. "Oh yeah, I am", the older man told me, saying that he was a Methodist. I told them "Well I failed it myself", and asked them to read them later while they were up in their deer stands. Not wanting to wear out my welcome I said goodbye and they thanked me for stopping. I thought later that their same politeness that I didn't want to offend would have also allowed me to freely share the Gospel. I wasn't as bold as I wanted to be - I didn't even get their names - but hopefully I'm moving in the right direction, one step at a time.
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