01/06/09 Raul, 32
I stopped at a Dunkin Donuts and found Raul at a table enjoying some coffee and reading a book. "Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you, but I'm wondering if you have a few minutes for some opinion questions." "Sure" "Mind if I sit down?" "No problem" Raul said. I began, "I'm from a church nearby and I've been asking random people about their spiritual beliefs and background. Would you consider yourself a spiritual person?" This began a long conversation that brought Raul from faith in his own goodness before God to the realization that he is a lawbreaker deserving God's wrath, but has a Savior to put his faith in. He asked me about how my faith began so I told him how at age 17 I found out that Jesus had given His life for me; the least I could do was to try to give my life to Him. I saw Raul's cautious, guarded demeanor change to interest and gratitude. He agreed he had some things to work out with God "before he goes to sleep tonight." When it was time to leave he gave me a handshake and sincerely thanked me for stopping to talk. As I walked to the parking lot I saw he had abandoned his book for the additional info I left him.
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