FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!

Church in a Parking Lot

10/2/11 John and Mary, about 60

Can we "have church" in a parking lot?

I needed to run an errand to Home Depot after church, and as I got out of the car I noticed an African-American couple - John and Mary - in the car next to me. I used an interesting Bible tract as a conversation starter, and talked with them about their beliefs. John described himself as a backslider who has drifted away from church, and Mary is a church attender who happened to miss church that day.

Both John and Mary were under the impression that they can be saved through their good works, so I spent some time explaining the way of salvation more clearly to them. They both thanked me profusely as I left, with Mary saying "I might have missed church today, but we just had church right here in the parking lot!" That was encouraging.

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