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How Can We "Make the Most of Every Opportunity" When it Comes to Gospel Proclamation?

2/20/12  -    Three Teenage Guys

I was out in the park sharing some Gospel truths with a middle aged man and his wife when three teens stopped near us looking like they wanted to talk.

I turned to the teens, not sure what they wanted, and shared some truths about the Lord and our accountability to Him. They were interested but their lack of questions let me know this wasn't what they wanted, so I wrapped up early with a challenge to read what I had given them.

It was then that they let me know what they wanted. "We need to interview someone for a class project at school. We want to ask your opinions about smoking"

I agreed and as they got out a video camera I realized I had about a minute to talk to not just these guys but to their whole class through their video, and I wanted to use the opportunity to encourage them toward faith in the Lord.

At the same time, I needed to remain true to the purpose of the interview. If I strayed too far off topic I believed they wouldn't be able to use my interview in their project.

What to say?

I just talked about how I want to serve God to the best of my ability and I can't do that if I don't take care of my body. Smoking would eventually harm my ability to serve God, and I don't want to destroy my health for that reason.

Nothing profound, but who knows? Maybe that class or at least a few individuals in it can benefit from seeing an adult sharing some biblical values that they hadn't considered before.

In Ephesians 4, Paul wrote that we should "make the most of every opportunity" when it comes to proclaiming the Gospel. Opportunities take many forms, so he didn't give us step-by-step instructions on how exactly that should be done.

But Paul did follow up with some general advice: "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."

Just as salt is a seasoning that one can apply after the meal is cooked and according to individual taste, so can our words be applied in the moment and in response to different situations. We don't need to memorize a "canned spiel", but are to respond as the situation presents itself.

I believe Jesus said as much when he taught the disciples how to respond to persecution. He said “Make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict."

We don't always experience the uncertainty of persecution, but if we faithfully strive to proclaim the Gospel we will definitely be given an unforeseeable variety of situations. We can make the most of every opportunity because Jesus has and will give us the words and wisdom we need at the time.

And this need not be a shot in the dark. We can prepare and practice ahead of time, in between gospel conversations. We can prayerfully take in the words and wisdom of scripture, filling up our tank so to speak, so that what is needed can then flow out at the appropriate time, making the most of EVERY opportunity we are given.

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