FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!

Don't Bite the Hand

Thumbnail     3/16/14               Dee (video)           about 17
“Would you bite the hand that feeds you?” a bright young man named Dee asked me while we talked at Starbucks.  We were talking about the reason for doing good, how so many people get it backward and believe they are saved BY good works rather than FOR good works.  Dee is a believer and involved in church, but lives in a hard environment, full of temptation, around a lot of young people who don’t care about the things of God.  For this reason I think he was confused about a few things and I hope our conversation might have helped clear them up, but tI was so encouraged by his question, “Would you bite the hand that feeds you?”, It let me know he does understand God’s great mercy and grace in Jesus more than most church folk I’ve met who are twice his age.

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