FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!

Thinking It Through

2/24/18                         Martin                                         19

Martin, 19, was busy looking at some hardware at a Menards store, and I took a chance that he might be interested in talking about his beliefs about eternity.

At first he didn't seem to have much spiritual interest.  He seemed to have given up on believing in God and surmised that we just cease to exist after we die.  As we talked he didn't show much interest either, at least in my shallow opinion based on his mannerisms and body language.  He didn't smile much, he seemed reserved, he really didn't look me in the eye at all.  But he did one thing that let me know he was engaged in the conversation - he kept asking questions and making observations and connections to his experiences.

He reminds me of myself at his age.  I remember pretending to sleep and showing disinterest during our cabin discussions at a Young Life outreach camp.  But the truth was I was intensely interested in what was being talked about - it was actually the high point of my day, but I was too reserved to show my interest.  

I think about that when I reach out to strangers in the public square.  I don't want to be rude or obnoxious to the point of obscuring or misrepresenting the Gospel, but I also want to be bold enough to share it with those who may not be willing to express their interest very well.

Martin was fairly quiet and often slow to respond to my questions.  I kept thinking he was losing interest, but it turned out he was really thinking through what was being said and coming up with many questions and comments of his own.  

 I'm grateful to those adults in my young life who forged ahead and shared the Gospel with me despite my lack of outward interest; I hope I have followed their example in conversations like this one with Martin.  

 "Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice."  Philippians 4:9

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