FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!

Politicians, Stump Speech, Gospel Nuggets, Confession, Repentance, Faith, Salvation, Fellowship

1/4/20     Ken  (see HERE)

Two of the hardest types of people for me to engage in two-way outreach conversations with have been salesmen and politicians.  They have often developed a “spiel” that they feel compelled to share, whether they are trying to sell a product or make a name for themselves in politics.  I have to be very patient as they share the “stump speech” that has developed over time interacting with so many people about the same topic.

Rather than give a stump speech of my own, I’ve needed to learn to patiently listen to others’ as I try to figure out just how I might tailor my message to their particular place of faith.  That’s what I needed to do with Ken, a local community activist who is running for a statewide office from out area.  To get on the ballot, Ken needed well over 1200 signatures of support, and had done the work of getting out in the different communities of his district and collecting them personally.  He had gotten into the habit of sharing his talking points with each of those potential supporters, and he shared them with me too.

I’ve had to pay close attention to determine when people are ready to listen to me, and some people may just not be ready to do so in a particular impromptu street conversation.  Ken is deep into campaign mode and in the habit of telling voters what they want to hear and wasn’t really ready for a theological conversation.  So I’d like to do that now in the hope that he will read it at his convenience and that others who read this might relate.

As a lifelong Catholic, Ken was very confident of being in God’s good graces when he dies, because he sees himself as an obedient follower of God and believer in Jesus.  Yet when asked how he might be forgiven of his sins, instead of placing his trust in Jesus and the cross, he began to talk about the sacrament of confession, a point which is confusing to many Catholics.

I believe the misunderstanding comes from confusion over a passage from 1 John 1, which is often a part of the liturgy,  It says “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

From the sound of it many people assume all we need for forgiveness is to confess our sins, which is what often makes Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection seem less important.  But 1 John was a letter written to people who were already believers through repentance and faith in Jesus.  Salvation had an extremely high cost – the death of God’s own Son, which is what allows our sin-debt to be paid and believers to be adopted into the family of God. 

Confession, then, is something people who are already believers do not for their salvation, which has already been won, but for the fellowship with God which must be maintained. It’s much like a marriage relationship.  A husband and wife are married, which gives them a legal status that doesn’t change even if they have a fight and aren’t speaking to one another.  They are still legally married but their fellowship has been cut off and can only be restored when one of them (usually the husband!!) confesses and asks to be forgiven.

In the same way, once we are legally adopted into God’s family through repentance and faith in Jesus, God won’t “unadopt” us.  But our sins will stand in the way of the warm fellowship with God we were created to enjoy.

So Ken, I know this is right in the middle of a busy campaign, but I hope you will take time out each day to maintain a relationship with God that begins with repentance and faith, but is maintained with prayerfully reading God’s word and following it, and yes, that does includes confession. 

So that’s a part of my own spiel, my stump speech, my talking points.  I’ll repeat it a thousand times over as long as I can get people to listen to me, not because I like to hear myself talk, but because I like to hear God’s word do the talking.

Thanks, Ken, for allowing me to record our conversation, and God bless your campaign efforts!  The video van be seen HERE

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