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Cogitatin' on the Gulf Shore, Pondering a Paradox, Salvation for the Uninformed, Law of Sin & Death

2/10/20        Jack  (to see video, click HERE)

Does the Gospel ever have you “cogitatin’”?  That’s southern slang for “ponder”.  It’s what Jack, a retired librarian from Alabama and a member of the Methodist church, told me he was going to do after our conversation on a fishing pier on the Gulf Shore.

The Bible doesn’t contradict itself, but it does contain so many paradoxes that it should have us cogitatin’ once in a while.

What got Jack pondering his faith anew was the paradox of salvation for the uninformed: If people are saved through faith in Jesus, then what about those who have never heard of Him?  Jack had always just assumed God is logical, and would never condemn those who never had the chance to believe.

Carrying the question a step further, should we then withdraw our support of missions because people who hear of Jesus might reject Him and therefore be condemned?  Shouldn’t we just leave them alone in ignorant bliss?

But this apparent paradox is a little easier to explain than, say, the Trinity or free will or the incarnation.  The assumption is made that people who have never heard of Jesus are somehow “innocent” and not held accountable for what they don’t know.

But the Bible tells us that no one is innocent, not even one.  Everyone has the requirements of the law are “written on their hearts” as Paul describes in Romans 2:15, everyone has a moral conscience and no one is innocent.  Like a man falling from an airplane must face death because of the law of gravity, so must we all face the consequences of the law of sin and death.  (Rom 8:2)  It’s simple: If we sin, we face death, whether we have heard of Jesus or not.

Unless there’s a parachute.

Should we bring the Gospel to people who have never heard of Jesus?  Yes, by all means!  They share the same fate as anyone going into eternity without Jesus. 

There are plenty of parachutes to go around; Jesus can save all who will trust Him so why don’t we share Him more than we do?  Now there’s something to cogitate on.

Thanks, Jack, for allowing me to record our conversation!  It can be seen on my YouTube Channel at

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