FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!


1/25/18         Eric              about 45

What happens when we drift away from God and His word?  We make our own! 

From the initial description of his beliefs, it would be hard to imagine Eric had a strong church background.  At some point he decided his “God” can be constructed from the buffet table of his favorite spiritual sounding ideas that are out there.  The first half of our conversation was filled with Eric’s new ideas about a “God” of his own imagination, one who reincarnates our souls into various life forms after we die and considers us so much a part of himself that we are “gods” ourselves. 

Eric has drifted from God and His word, and needed a strong reminder out of the blue from a stranger on the street to tell him so.  He is also a radio DJ with his own show, and blessed with the gift of gab, so the stranger God sent to him needed to be very patient and a good listener before Eric was ready for him to speak into his life.  But once he did, he was grateful and ready to listen and take to heart what he heard.  

The first letter of John, written entirely as advice to people who are already Christians, ends on a seemingly random afterthought.  My conversation with Eric, from his strong Christian background, helps me see what happens when people stray from God and His word and begin to create a version of God they are more comfortable with.  The final advice that John leaves for us as believers in his first letter?  It’s that strange and abrupt note right there at the very end of 1 John:  “Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.”

Eric agreed to allow me to record our conversation, so check out how he changed his focus back to the faith of his childhood.  

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