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4/15/18         Mike  (video)           about 35

Imagine having to interact with murderers, rapists, and child molesters on a daily basis throughout the week, and then sitting in church on Sunday feeling like they are splitting hairs over petty sins and concerns.

This is what was on the mind of Mike, a prison guard by occupation, when I spoke with him while shopping at a Menards.  Mike grew up Catholic, and as an adult had been regularly involved in a non-denominational church with his wife.  Now he is “between churches” and was doubting the very existence of heaven and hell, for two reasons:   1.) comparing himself as a good person to the prison inmates in jail for horrible crimes, and 2.) because of the arguments of some unbelieving friends who are skeptical of Christianity.

As a prison guard, Mike can easily identify with the point his skeptical friends often make, that Christianity teaches that a person could commit the most heinous acts and then pray a simple prayer and end up in heaven while a decent, law-abiding unbeliever might end up in hell.  What to tell him?

I found out at the outset of our conversation that Mike and his wife have been faithful attenders at a Bible based church, but after a recent move have not made much effort at finding a new church.  I could see evidence of a slow drift away from the true Gospel as a result.  First, from the understanding that Christians are sinners saved by grace, to a belief that Christians are good people saved by works.  Next, from an understanding that we can be saved as condemned sinners through faith in Christ, to the belief that we don’t need to be saved at all, that we are good people already bound for heaven, with hell reserved for only the most horrible criminals . 

This is where I found Mike, surrounded by a very negative environment at work, listening to skeptical friends, wavering in faith, and without a church home to ground him in biblical teaching.  He was already showing evidence of the next logical step for his slow drift away from the Gospel, to conclude that Christianity itself doesn’t make sense and that heaven and hell, and maybe even God, probably don’t exist.

Mike had good memories of how, every Sunday in church, he felt like God was speaking directly to him through the sermon, relating the Bible to life in practical ways.  But he couldn’t answer these bigger theological questions, and they were undermining what faith he had.  So I spent some time explaining the foundational belief that, even though by man’s standards he might be a decent, law abiding citizen, by God’s standards he is a lawbreaker just like anyone else. 

I spent some time talking about some of the Ten Commandments, to help him see that he has done what his God-given conscience tells him he ought not to do, and how “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.”  There is no heavenly balance scale between his sins and good works, because he can’t pay for the sinful things he ought not to do with the good things he ought to do anyway.

Why my focus on the law if we are saved by grace?  Romans 3:20 says “Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin.”  Just as John the Baptist focused on the law and our need for repentance to prepare the way for Christ, I wanted to remind Mike of his need for the Savior. 

I also wanted to help him see how he has drifted away from the Gospel, and needs to get back into church and under solid biblical teaching to stop that drift.  We talked about how good biblical teaching doesn’t avoid the hard truths of the Bible so that the good news of salvation can be seen in context, and I recommended a good Bible-teaching church in the area.  Please pray for Mike, I think our conversation greatly encouraged him but he needs to get back into positive church fellowship and solid biblical teaching rather than getting dragged down into unbelief by murderers, rapists, and skeptics!

See our conversation HERE

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