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Wishful Thinking

4/16/18            Rose    (video)           23

When I was a kid, I sometimes had fantasies of being reincarnated as an eagle after I died.  How cool would that be!   

As I talk with people about their beliefs, I am realizing I was not alone in my wishful thinking. Reincarnation is very often the “go to” belief for people who have really not given religious beliefs much thought.  It has the appeal of eternal life without the accountability of final judgment, having replaced accountability with multiple “second chances” in order to finally perfect oneself morally.

I often ask people what they believe happens after this life, and I find that many people haven’t done much reflective thinking on the subject.  I can almost see the wheels turning as they quickly tell about religious ideas based on wishful thinking, making it up as they go along.

Even Hinduism, an ancient faith now well known for its belief in reincarnation, didn’t begin to teach the concept until relatively late in its history.  It, too, was making it up as it went along when people gravitated toward the idea and it became a popular tenant of Hinduism because of its popular appeal.

But popularity doesn’t determine truth.  I spoke with a young lady named Rose at a McDonald's, who initially gravitated toward a belief in reincarnation, yet also talked about her attendance at mass and believing in God and Jesus, so I tried to explain how the two aren’t compatible.  Hebrews 9 says that “people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.”  We have one life to live; there are no second chances.  

Christianity is based on historical people and events and God’s revelation of himself throughout history.   Centuries ago, one of those historical people – Paul - warned that some people “will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.” (2 Tim 4)As a belief based on wishful thinking, I see reincarnation as one of those myths, and I feel it was helpful to show that to Rose and steer her toward the truth of the Gospel.

View my conversation with Rose HERE.  Part of the benefit of recording some of my conversations with people is that others can check them out and give me their impressions.  In this case, I felt Rose was distracted and losing interest as the conversation progressed so I tried to wrap it up before I wore out my welcome.  Is that a fair assessment?  Let me know what you think! 

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