FRONT PAGE - here you will find the last 20 postings about recent conversations. Please pray for these people!

Man of Few Words

 5/14/18    Mike  (video)      about 45

“What do you believe happens after this life and how did you come to your current beliefs about this?”

“If heaven and hell exist, then would not some people go to one and some to the other?  Is so, what is the difference between them?  After all, no one is perfect, so if it is based on our behavior in this life, what would be the standard we would be judged by?”

“Does God grade on a curve?   If so, are you one of the good guys?”

“If we could get to heaven by our good behavior, why would anyone need Jesus?  Did he come to save sinners or “good” people?  But if we are saved through faith in Jesus, what then is the purpose for our good works?”

I really enjoy sharing the Gospel in a give and take dialogue, and these are some questions I ask so that I can respond to actual statements people make or questions they have concerning spiritual matters.  Some people dominate the conversation, and it is hard to get a word in edgewise, but what about the opposite end of the spectrum, the people who respond with short, simple answers and don’t have any questions?  The “conversation” can seem very one-sided, and I may feel more like I’m interrogating or preaching rather than having a dialogue. 
But people of few words also need to hear the Gospel.

Many times, the reason people have so few comments and questions is because they assume they know at least the basics needed to get by.  Others have so little to say because they’ve never given it much thought and feel they know nothing about spiritual things. 

Mike, about 45, was a man of few words in my conversation with him.  To him it seemed obvious that good people go to heaven, and bad people go to hell.  He hadn’t thought to wonder that if this is true, then he wouldn’t need Jesus.

Juan, also about 45, was also a man of few words.  It seemed like he was one of those who doesn’t know what to believe.  At first he said he believes our spirits continue to wander the earth, but this didn’t line up with his Catholic beliefs.  He wasn’t sure what to believe.

With both men, I had to do far more talking than listening, and it is possible they were just listening out of courtesy rather than engaged interest.  It was hard to get a real conversation going, so I just tried to share both the bad news of our sin and the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus in a clear, concise manner, and to move on before I wore out my welcome and before my basic message would get lost in my many words. 

Sometimes, that’s all I can do, but, with prayer, I trust that’s all I need do. 
See my conversation with Mike HERE and with Juan (in Spanish) HERE.    Do you feel they were engaged in the conversation and the Gospel?  Was I talking too much or should I have tried to explain it even further?  Your prayers and feedback are appreciated!

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