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Nagging Question

5/21/18         Darryl   (video)              23

There is a nagging question many Christians have, but most don’t bother to find out the answer because they don’t realize how important it is.  It is also one of the primary criticisms non-Christians have of Christianity.  Maybe if more of us knew how to answer it, fewer non-Christians would have the misunderstandings about our faith that they do.

It was the same question that troubled Darryl, early 20’s, about his faith, in a recent sidewalk conversation.  His question: “What about people who live like the devil only to say a prayer for salvation at the last minute?  How can that be fair to those of us who follow Jesus most of our lives?”

It’s a fair question for unbelievers who see Christianity as nothing more than license to sin, either now for believers who are already forgiven, or for those who want to live in sin only to utter a last-minute deathbed prayer.

But those of us who are Christians should know better.  Many of us like Darryl have forgotten that we are saved by grace and not by works – the same grace available to anyone at any stage in life.  God’s amazing grace comes to us through faith in Jesus alone.  

Some first-century believers also forgot that Jesus is their savior, not their good works, so Paul responded by writing “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ”.   (Gal.1)

We are saved by grace, and we also live by grace.

The grace we live by comes from the Holy Spirit in us, causing in us a sense of wonder toward God and a desire to express love and gratitude through obedience to His word.  Sin no longer reigns over us as it once did; we are no longer slaves to sin because we are now free to live and express our love for our new master.  

To take advantage of that grace by using it as license to sin is simply out of the question.   Paul wrote: “Shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? By no means!”  The temptation may be there, but to continue giving in to it is an indication that one has never received the new heart and new desires that the Holy Spirit brings.  

 As for living like the devil until a last-minute prayer for salvation – anyone who has decided to do that has already rejected God’s grace in their lives, and as they continue to do so their hearts are growing more and more callous – or as Hebrews tells us “…hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”

Is it possible to be saved through a deathbed confession of Christ?  Yes – that’s what the criminal crucified with Jesus experienced when he responded in faith: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” and Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”  Our only regret for such people might be that they’ve missed out on the chance to live out their gratitude this side of heaven.  

Salvation isn’t a reward for a life of obedience.  We are all saved by grace so there is no place for bitterness toward those saved later in life than ourselves.  I think that made sense to Darryl.  I hope that helped him to return not just to the grace by which he was saved, but to the grace by which we are all called to live. 

PS – Feel free to “sit in” on my conversation with Darryl.  It’s on YouTube HERE

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