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Smelling Roses

5/21/18   Emma Jean   (video)     about 30

Most would agree that we need to “stop and smell the roses” in life, and for many, such as a  
 owing up, and when she had a lot of questions as a teen, she turned to the myths and gods of Hinduism, along with it’s circular way of viewing time and belief in reincarnation.

I think what attracted her to this belief system is the idea of living “in the moment” – appreciating the beauty around her – rather than looking forward to a future reward in heaven.  But I felt like she had some misunderstandings about Christianity that caused her to look elsewhere for this spiritual ability to “smell the roses.”

Christianity can and should cause us as Christians to be filled with this same sense of wonder, but it comes from an unlikely place.  It doesn’t come from the question “I wonder”, as in “I wonder if I have done enough to go to heaven.”  It is that sense of moral drudgery that Emma Jane rejects, and I don’t blame her.

It also doesn’t come from the sense of being wonderful, as in “I am so wonderful, God must really love me.”  We can’t smell the roses with rose-colored glasses on, because we will forget they have thorns.  This idealistic view overlooks our own moral failures, or can only disappointed when the world doesn’t recognize our supposed wonderfulness.

No, true wonder can only come from a place where we recognize our own sin in comparison with God’s holiness.  Where we are aware of the punishment we deserve compared to the grace we receive.  Where we view salvation as already received at the cross, and like the criminal we hear Jesus say “Today you will be with me in paradise.”  We are free to live a life of wonder at God’s undeserved love, of gratitude for every undeserved gift, and obedience in response.

Jesus told his disciples “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.”  He gives us the opportunity to respond with grateful obedience, stopping to smell the roses along the way.  No drudgery.  No idealistic fantasies about our own goodness.  Living with the hope of heaven while appreciating opportunities to express gratitude in the here and now.

PS – Feel free to “sit in” on my conversation with Emma Jean.  It’s on YouTube HERE

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