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Call to Repentance

6/1/18              Joe (video)                18

Early in a sidewalk conversation, Joe, 18, told me about his belief in Jesus as his savior, but that he doesn’t need to attend church to worship Him.  I didn’t disagree, because in some ways this is true, but also because it was too early in the conversation to do much more than ask questions and hear his story.

Joe said he didn’t like to attend church because he felt uncomfortable there, like people were judging him.  At first it seemed probable that the people at his church were to blame, but later I found out that there might be an additional reason: truth is there, and he doesn’t like to be reminded of it.

Although a believer in God’s saving mercy through faith in Jesus, Joe has one sin he can’t let go of and seems to have given in to – sleeping with his girlfriend.  It’s not that he doesn’t know this is sinful.  In fact, he said he will be “fasting” for two weeks from “intimacy” (fornication) as part of a family prayer focus.  To me, that seemed to be a good sign that he has not become so calloused to his sin through excuse-making that he no longer sees it as sin.

But overall, Joe has given up the fight against temptation, a fight that, even if unsuccessful at times, nonetheless can bring one into a closer relationship with God and greater dependence on the Holy Spirit instead of one’s own efforts.  1 Cor. 13:12 tells us that “God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” 

God is that way or escape!  We are not called to bear temptation alone, but to use the strength and help God gives us to be overcomers.  We have the strength of the Holy Spirit, and the help of God’s word especially as ministered to us through church fellowship and wise counsel.  James 5:6 tells us “…confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

But Joe is avoiding that help by avoiding hearing God’s word both at church and reading it at home.  He is starting to build his own version of God, one who looks the other way in regards to his sin and communicates primarily through dreams rather than through his word.  There is a reason he feels uncomfortable at church, and he has a simple solution – avoid it.  But he couldn’t avoid it when the “church” reach out to him there on that sidewalk!

Joe responded with humility when I called him to repentance.  In hindsight, I think I failed to emphasize the seriousness of his sin, his need for church teaching and fellowship, and the opportunity this temptation gives him toward a closer relationship with God.  I should have offered more counsel, prayer, and ongoing fellowship, but I hope this outreach conversation at least might help him follow through with repentance by seeking those things himself.  Please pray for him!

PS - I invite you to “sit in” on my conversation with Joe by watching it on YouTube HERE

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