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Made In God's Image

6/7/18    Sarah, Charles (video)   20's

"When I consider the heavens, the work of your fingers. The moon and the stars which you have ordained, what is man, that you are mindful of him?" "God, who am I that You should even think about me?"   Psalm 8

The ancients were so full of awe and wonder at their own smallness in comparison with what they knew of the universe.  Now that we moderns know a little more about the created order, we know enough to have a better grasp of how much we truly don’t know when we look into the universe at night.  How much more awe and wonder should we have toward its Creator?

Many people, such as Sarah, 20’s, have enough respect for the vastness of creation that they understand that it would be arrogant for us to believe we could even begin to comprehend the Creator on our own.  Unfortunately, the science that shows us how much we don’t know also causes many to overlook the obvious: We can’t comprehend the Creator on our own, but we can with His help.

Science gives man the ability to discover a few things about the created order.  But it is a distraction, and can even be an idol, when we depend on man’s ability to determine ultimate truths about our origins, our destiny, our purpose, and our Creator.  I think Sarah realized this.  She had simply concluded that God doesn’t exist, but I am thankful that she is wise enough to be open to the possibility.

The Bible never attempts to prove God’s existence.  It begins and ends with God, and tells the story of His relationship to us throughout, a relationship made possible because we are “made in God’s image”.  Just like a mirror image is not the same as the real thing, we have enough in common that we can relate to God and to be able to comprehend when God relates to us.

Our Creator wants a relationship with us.  How awesome is that!  "God, who am I that You should even think about me?"   

PS – I invite you to “sit in” on my conversation with Sarah and her fiancé Charles.  It’s on YouTube HERE

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