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Dealing With Doubt

9/13/18           Quinn   (video)         late 20's

It was toward the end of an interesting sidewalk conversation with Quinn, late 20’s, who had been passing by on his bicycle.  I asked him what would be the biggest question he might have for a committed Christian like myself.   He thought for a while, then asked “How do you deal with doubt?”

That was a great question, because lately Quinn had been doubting his atheist belief that God doesn’t exist and beginning to lean toward the faith of some of his friends who are now Christians.  He seemed to be looking forward to the future rather than caring so much about the past, so I’m pretty sure his question was more about the doubts he encounters as he considers Christianity.

How can one move forward in faith when they are filled with doubt?

I told Quinn of memories of praying as a new Christian, how I often felt like I was talking to thin air.  I also told him how I decided to move forward regardless, and small acts of faith strengthened my faith “muscles” much like lifting lighter weights strengthens an athlete for heavier ones.

I also mentioned Jesus’ parable of the mustard seed; “…if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”  (Matthew 17)
“It’s not the amount of faith you start with, it’s the object of your faith that matters.  You could have perfect faith in that tree over there, but it won’t do you any good.  God is the only worthy object of our faith.” 

I told Quinn how I don’t doubt that God can move such “mountains” as healing a loved one from cancer, but I do doubt my own ability to discern whether it is in God’s will and timing to do so.  In many of life’s circumstances, the real faith lies in asking God to take control, and trusting whatever outcome when He does.

Quinn, if you read this, and anyone else struggling with doubt – please know you are not alone, that all believers have their weak moments, days, or even seasons, and real faith comes during those times when we doubt the most and taking even the smallest step of faith seems impossible.  It is during those dark moments when we learn to trust God and lean not on our own understanding.  It might seem insignificant to us, but those small “mustard seed” acts of faith in spite of our doubt are what can please God the most.

PS – Quinn graciously allowed me to record our conversation, which can be seen in its entirety  HERE

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