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Evangelizing Believers?

9/14/18             Jaime   (video)                40's

Does the word “evangelize” have negative connotations for you?  I think I may know why…

Did you know that according to our secular dictionaries, the word “evangelize” has come to have two meanings?  One is biblical and one is not, and I believe they are worlds apart.  The two meanings are “to preach the gospel to” and “to convert to Christianity”.

So which one do you like the most?  More importantly, which one does God like the most?  Which is biblical?

In John 3, Jesus told a man named Nicodemus how one could “enter the Kingdom of God” – or as a secular dictionary might read, to “covert to Christianity” – He said “You must be born again”.  Nicodemus was incredulous at this. “How can someone be born when they are old?” he asked.

And the answer he received was not that he or anyone else could do the work of conversion:  “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

I think what gives “evangelize” its negative connotation is when people try to do the work that only God can do.  It is the Holy Spirit’s role to do the work of conversion.  The secular definition of evangelize – “to convert to Christianity” is really an unbiblical misunderstanding.  The burden is not on the evangelist to convert anyone. The real work of the evangelist is simply to preach the Gospel and let the Holy Spirit take it from there.

This is really good news for anyone who feels turned off by “evangelism”.  The Gospel is, ultimately, the good news that we can be forgiven in Christ after we understand the bad news that we are sinful and need forgiveness.  Who doesn’t want to share good news?  And preaching the Gospel can take many forms, from just sharing our testimony like the newly converted Samaritan woman, to reasoning with those in the marketplace like Paul in Athens, to preaching to the crowds in Jerusalem like Peter on Pentecost.

It can also mean “preaching the Gospel” to those believers who have already heard and responded to it, but have since fallen away and need a fresh reminder and renewed focus on its truths.  That’s what happened in a conversation with Jaime, 40’s, who was very rusty on the details but a believer nonetheless.  He gladly received a fresh reminder of Gospel truths and felt the challenge to return to his first love. 

Reaching out with the Gospel gives us great and often unexpected opportunities to meet and encourage our fellow believers, and fulfill the call of Hebrews 1: “…let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

PS – Jaime graciously allowed me to record our conversation, which can be seen HERE

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